What Should a Christian Look Like??

A lady I met with sometime back told me that I didn’t look like a Christian. Taken aback, I asked her how she thought a Christian was supposed to look like . She gave me the following characteristics:
1. You must look serious. Apparently I was too playful according to her. Hence, I could not have been a Christian. Some people will disagree with the playful part though. They think I'm too serious.
2. Always carry a big size bible in your armpit. I agree that I am guilty of never going around with a Bible. Actually I have a Bible which I keep under my piano stand at the church so that I don’t need to hold a Bible on my way to church. Apparently, that disqualifies me from being a Christian.
3. Always use Calvary greetings like, “God bless you”, “It is well with your soul.” I am not a Calvary greeting guy, that I know. I prefer the use of conventional greetings such as, “ Good morning, how are you”, and the rest.
4. Gauge people’s level of holiness before mingling with them. Well, I don't know how to gauge one's level of holiness. I think I would need a "spiritometer" for that.
5. They always preach. How do they do that? Do they ever stop to eat OR sleep at all? I failed there too. I know that I don't always preach. I preach often, but not always.
6. They always look needy. This is one of the worse. I don't believe in the prosperity gospel, but neither do I believe in the poverty gospel. I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. He doesn't teach his people to go around looking miserable if they can afford not to. He told those fasting to wash they faces, oil they head before going about their business.
7. They tuck their shirt with the trousers on their tummy. This means those who wear jeans and don't tuck in their shirt can't be Christian. Wait, what type of shirt sh


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