This morning I saw a notice online. It had been placed on the door of a church notifying the people that, "There would be no adoration till further notice." I was like what? No adoration till further notice? Well, if you don't know what adoration means, it means worship. No more worship till further notice. It sounds like Worship is a product being sold in that church-shop. They were out of stock and has to place a sign to tell prospective customers that their cherished commodity wasn't available.
This sign just go to tell how far the modern church has deviated from the truth of the gospel. Worship couldn't take place anywhere else but in the temple in pagan worship. In African Traditional Religion, worship only takes place in the shrine under the leading of the priest. The church or at least what seems to be the face of the church today has gone the same way. Worship is not in spirit and in truth anymore. It only happens in shrine-church under the leadership of the shamanistic pastors so that if one doesn't go there,he can experience worship. This can't be further from the truth. Worship can't be postponed till further notice. It can't stop because the church doors are locked. This is because the modern church has strayed away from following the word of God. This can be seen in people who cry just because they can't go to church on a Sunday. They can't properly celebrate Easter as they normally would do. So they cry like the pagans who can't go to the beach,club or bar as they normally would do. It takes crises like the Covid-19 to sift the grain from the shaft.
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