Since it was first discovered in Wuhan, China, the Corona Virus disease has swept across the world as a wild fire. There is virtually no country on the planet that hasn’t been affected by the disease in a way or the other. Many a country health system is groaning under the strain and pressure placed on it by the thousands and hundreds of thousand infected citizens. But what do the word of faith preachers have to say about the Covid-19? If you don’t know who word of faith preachers, here’s a heads up. Word of faith preachers are pastors and teachers who hold the view that Jesus died in order to provide his followers with good health and prosperity. This view is also known as the gospel of health and wealth. We will start with what Kenneth Copeland said. Kenneth Copeland is an America basedprosperity preacher who teaches his congregation that God will give you anything you want if you believe, confess and decree. Kenneth Copeland had this to say about the Covid-19 on Friday, Ma...