Matthew 16:13-18 Jesus asked his disciples two questions when he was with them in the region of Caesarea. The first question was directed to the people outside his circle, hence he said, “Who do men say that I am?” After they answered him, he redirected the question this time to his inner circle. “Who do you think I the son of man am?” Jesus asked his closest followers. This interaction shows us a certain number of things. The world has always been divided into two poles; the believers and the non-believers; those on the outside of Jesus’ influence and those on the inside of his influence; those that are close to him and those that aren’t. The scriptures use the expressions Jews and gentiles to adequately show this dichotomy. There are those that are in Christ and there are those that aren’t. There are those that are in Adam and there are those that are in Christ.Those that are in Christ’s inner circle have a different understanding of who He is than those that are wit...