Better Safe than Sorry!
It is better to do the right thing rather than being sorry! How often do you say sorry? How often have you heard others say sorry? Some find it very easy today sorry. To others, it is a difficult word to pronounce. But what does it mean to be sorry? Many think sorry is a word you throw to get people you've offended off your case. That is why they get upset when they realize that their offenses are still held against them after they said sorry. Sorry for them is a magic word that upon pronouncement makes all their misgivings disappear. They think sorry is a word that changes others' perception of them. All the anger they provoked will suddenly dissipate into thin air. For them, sorry is supposed to change others. However, sorry is a word that change you first. Saying sorry shows that you have changed. You have decided not to do the things that are making you sorry. Sorry is a sign of rep...