
Showing posts from April, 2019


When I first joined a Pentecostal church, I was taught along with others that if we prayed really hard, God would tell us the person we are to marry. We hear many stories about how God told this brother or that sister who their life partner would be. There was this brother I was close to that told us that God had shown him the lady he would marry. After all was said and done the parents of the girl swore he won't marry their daughter. After a while the brother told us that God had shown him a different girl would be his wife. To end the story he married none of those two girls. There was also this sister who ran to a brother in the church yard after a Sunday morning service and planted a kiss on his lips in full view of the entire church membership as they emptied the church auditorium. When queried as to why she had done such an abominable act,  she retorted that God had revealed to her that the brother was her husband. The brother got so pissed that he never looked at her again. ...


Religious pluralism and ecumenism teaches that every religion is a valid way to God. Hence, no religion should be criticized and their followers proselytized. The Bible however is not in bed with religious pluralism and if you claim it as the word of God, you should know that Christianity has no equal when it come to revealing the heart of the Father.  Jesus said that if you confess me before men, I will confess you before my father and the Holy angels. Of what good is such a confession if we confess him only in our Christian homes and congregations ? Aren't we supposed to confess him before those who resist him and make it crystal clear to them that he is the only way to life eternal ?  Should we keep quiet for fear for our lives ? Did Jesus keep quiet when they picked stones to kill him ? Did the apostles keep quiet when the Sanhedrin threatened them with death never to speak the name of Jesus again ? Did Stephen keep quiet as the stones sucked his life away ? Did Paul rearr...


But honestly it's better to go clean the street gutters than to stay in a room and sing songs with no Christ filled doctrinal content. Some of the songs are: 1. No so we de hail you oh. Who are you hailing ?  I saw some soldiers hailing their commander with the same song. It could be your village chief or even your friend. My point there is no way for anyone to know who you're hailing because the song doesn't tell. 2. We go de hail hail your name day by day.  Whose name are you hailing ? What name are you hailing ? The song doesn't say. Everybody is left to imagine for himself the name you are hailing. It could be Mohammed, Baal, Allah, or even Marduk or Isis you're hailing. 3. Ah ah ah komole. Sincerely I have no idea what this one means. If you know, please enlighten me. All the people I've asked didn't know what it means. But they always jump out of their seats when this song is raised. Well I know that they don't jump to the meaning of the words....