

  Being slain in the Spirit is a Pentecostal practice whereby a person falls backward after a minister touches him or her on the forehead. In many Pentecostal churches, falling under the anointing is a session of the service that members eagerly await. It usually comes after the minister’s sermon. People come forward to be delivered from their life problems. The minister or pastor would then touch them of the fore head and they would fall backward. They would stay in a cataleptic state on the ground for a time ranging from one minute to one hour and sometimes more. Popular Pentecostal ministers are all involved into this practice. The minister’s power is measured by whether people fall backward and writhe on the ground at his touch. It is noteworthy at this point to say that Maria woodworth-Etter might have been the first Holiness/Pentecostal minister to exhibit the slaying in the spirit phenomenon. Roberts Liardon in his book “God’s General” says on page 48-49, under the p...


Matthew 16:13-18 Jesus asked his disciples two questions when he was with them in the region of Caesarea. The first question was directed to the people outside his circle, hence he said, “Who do men say that I am?”  After they answered him, he redirected the question this time to his inner circle. “Who do you think I the son of man am?” Jesus asked his closest followers. This interaction shows us a certain number of things. The world has always been divided into two poles; the believers and the non-believers; those on the outside of Jesus’ influence and those on the inside of his influence; those that are close to him and those that aren’t. The scriptures use the expressions Jews and gentiles to adequately show this dichotomy. There are those that are in Christ and there are those that aren’t. There are those that are in Adam and there are those that are in Christ.Those that are in Christ’s inner circle have a different understanding of who He is than those that are wit...


But he answered and said, “Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up” Matthew 15:13 There is virtually no one who has ever attended a Pentecostal charismatic church in this part of the world that hasn’t heard the above-quoted verse being used. And most often, it happens during prayer meetings. The preacher would ask the congregation to pray and uproot every plant that the Father has not planted in their lives, businesses, families, jobs and the nation.  It is believed, among believers especially Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians that the enemy, Satan, puts obstacles in their lives that hinder their progress. They hold it that enemies both human and spiritual plant stuff that block them from getting promotion at work, success in business, marriage and any other human endeavor they might involve in. It is commonly accepted that before one can experience any joy of life or progress, these things that have been planted must be exorcised and uproot...


  There was once a woman who had a son with a man who later left her. Though it pained her to lose the father of her son, she pulled herself by the bootstraps to care both for herself and her son since his father provided no child support.  Many years later, she met another man with whom she fell in love. She had reservations; but out of her concern to have her son grow up with a father figure in his life, she reluctantly allowed this man to move into her house.  It wasn't long before the man started cheating on her. His unfaithfulness was so chronic that he would bring his girlfriend into their house and have sex with her on the bed he shared with the lady. One day, the woman's son came back early from school early and walked in on him and his girlfriend. At the hearing of the sound of a key turning in the lock, the man initially thought it was his wife.  When he realized that it was only her son, he came up with the most devilish plan ever devised by the human min...

Better Safe than Sorry!

It is better to do the right thing rather than being sorry!  How often do you say sorry? How often have you heard others say sorry?  Some find it very easy today sorry.  To others,  it is a difficult word to pronounce.  But what does it mean to be sorry?  Many think sorry is a word you throw to get people you've offended off your case.  That is why they get upset when they realize that their offenses are still held against them after they said sorry.  Sorry for them is a magic word that upon pronouncement makes all their misgivings disappear. They think sorry is a word that changes others' perception of them.  All the anger they provoked will suddenly dissipate into thin air.  For them, sorry is supposed to change others.  However,  sorry is a word that change you first.  Saying sorry shows that you have changed.  You have decided not to do the things that are making you sorry.  Sorry is a sign of rep...


MEANING OF TITHES The word tithes comes from the Hebrew word MA’ASER which means a tenth of the whole. That means if you have ten sticks, one would be the tithe. If you have a hundred sticks, ten would be the tithes. The majority of Christians today practice the tithe which they rightly equate as being ten percent of their gross income. But a careful look into the scriptures reveals that the Israelites whom Christians today are striving to emulate did not practice tithing the way it is done today.  Tithing for the Israelites was 23.3% of their gross income. You may wonder how it came to be that percentage when payment of ten percent only is what is emphasized by today’s church.  THREE TYPES OF TITHES The Jews in scriptures practice three types of tithes. Yes, you heard me right. There were three types of tithes that the Jews practiced. When you added all the three together, it amounted to a total of 23.3%. Levitical Tithes : Numbers 18:21-24, Malachi 3. The Levitic...


by :Conrad Mbewe  May 30, 2012   I came across a pamphlet today. It was given to me at the traffic lights while waiting for the lights to go green. It read as follows: My name is Stella Mwanza from Sinda (Eastern Province). I used to read in newspapers and listen to the radio about how different people were testifying concerning Pastor Elijah and I was so impressed with his healing powers that I decided to try him as I had a lot of problems. First, my husband was divorcing me as he accused me of having an affair with another man and even doubted our lastborn child. Pastor Elijah prayed for me and this calmed down my husband and now we’re happily married with our kids. I introduced a friend of mine to the same pastor who had an unstable marriage because her husband was sexually weak and had a tiny manhood. She was going out with other men to satisfy her sexual desire though she loved her husband. Pastor Elijah invited the couple to his place and prayed for both of t...